The Chiron Classes
This is a package of 4 classes I've taught on Chiron over the years. They are all still relevant—for all levels. There are even a couple that are more relevant than ever for when I'm posting this because of the Chiron/North Node conjunction that is coming, and also the fact he is still in Aries. If you are called to learn more about Chiron, treat yourself to talking a walk on the wild side of this "planet" still in the process of discovery.
- The Chiron Class
- The Chiron in Aries Class
- Rewilding with Chiron
- The Dragon & the Centaur
Once purchased you will receive a link to a PDF file (to download) which will contain the link to a Google Drive Folder with all the classes within the Aspects Series for you to work your way through, and continue to enjoy.